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You have a passion, and you'd like to make it your profession. No matter how enthusiastic you are about your small business, though, it won't be successful unless you have a plan in place for how you're going to start and run it.
It doesn't matter how long or detailed your plan is, as long as it covers a few essential points. Most successful small businesses will need to have a break-even analysis, a profit-loss forecast and a cash-flow analysis. A cash-flow analysis is especially important since you could be selling your products like hotcakes, but if you won't be paid for six months, you could still run out of money and have to close your doors.
A business plan is essential because it allows you to experiment with the strategy for your business on paper, before you start playing for keeps.
Determine how you'll make a profit
Profit is, after all, the ultimate goal of any successful small business. You should examine your business' expenses (rent, materials, employee compensation, etc.) and then figure out how much you will need to sell to cover those costs and start generating a profit. This is known as a break-even analysis.
Start with as much of your own money as possible
Many small business owners cover their start-up costs entirely through loans, with the expectation that they will begin paying back the loans with the profits from their new business. New businesses can take months or years to generate a profit, however, and loan payments can really become a millstone around the neck of a fledgling operation.
If you can save up as much of the start-up capital yourself before you open your doors, you will help ensure that loans won't sink your new business. Remember, also, that there's an outside chance that a lender will call a loan or add unfavorable terms if your business isn't as successful as you initially planned. If you provide as much of the start-up money as possible, it will lessen the odds of a nasty surprise like this hindering your business.


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